Emperor Prototype and Playtesting
We have tested various ideas around the Emperor boardgame that we’ve been working on. Emperor is really getting good. It’s everything I love about a strategy game. It has the potential to be quick, but it is hard to plan ahead because there are so many possible moves each turn — keeping you on your […]
Monoprice Dual Extrusion 3D Printer

So, we purchased a Monoprice Dual Extrusion 3D Printer for game piece prototyping. I got the chance to sit down and really dig in this weekend. Here’s what I can tell you if you’re considering: You need to feel technically comfortable messing around with drivers, COM ports, and Services. Feel comfortable or willing to learn […]
3D Printer is on its way!
I’m excited to announce that we just invested in a new dual head 3D printer! It arrives in a few days and after the initial tests, we’ll attempt to print the prototype pieces for Bolster (our first game ready for prototyping). We also created plans for a modular game board that is expandable/contractible — this will […]